Saturday, January 8, 2022

Model Activity Task || Class 7 || English ||January 2022 || Minhajuddin Mondal

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow: 

When you and I are together you often ask me questions about many things and I try to answer them. Now that you are at Mussoorie and I am in Allahabad we cannot have these talks. I am therefore going to write to you from time to time short accounts of the story of our earth and the many countries, great and small, into which it is divided. You have read a little about English history and Indian history. But England is only a little island and India, though a big country, is only a small part of the earth’s surface. 


A. Tick the correct answer: 1 × 3 = 3 

(i) The author was residing at 

(a) Mussoorie 

(b) New Delhi 

(c) Allahabad 

(ii) Nehru would write letters to Indira 

(a) everyday 

(b) time to time 

(c) once a while 

(iii) England is a 

(a) big country 

(b) a small nation 

(c) a little island 

B. Answer the following questions: 2 × 3 = 6 

(i) Why did Nehru want to write to his daughter? 

Ans: Since Nehru was in Allahabad and his daughter was in Mussoorie, they could not have talks to each other directly, as they would if they were together. So he wanted to write to his daughter.

(ii) What did Nehru intend to write? 

Ans: Nehru intended to write short accounts of the story of our earth and the many countries, great and small, into which it is divided.

(iii) How is India compared with England? 

Ans: According to Nehru, England is only a little island and India is a big country.


Fill in the blanks with Possessive Pronouns and Possessive Adjectives: 1 × 4 = 4 

(i) This winter ________ father gave me a new sweater. 

Ans: my. 

(ii) Can you spare me a pen as I forgot to bring________? 

Ans: mine .

(iii) Years ago this plot of land belonged to __________, but now we don’t live here. 

Ans: ours.


Write a letter (in about 70 words) to your friend describing her/him about your village/town. Mention about the various flowers, fruits and birds that you see around your house. 7

Dear Nirufa,

          I am very happy because I got your letter yesterday. I am fine here. Today I am going to write to you about our village. The name of our village is Kashipur. It is a very small village. Most of the people in the village are farmers. The environment around our house is also very pleasant. The lotus in the pond, the marigold in the backyard, the beautiful nest of the tailorbird in the rows of palm trees, the call of the cuckoo in the spring, and the mango and jackfruit orchards make our home environment more beautiful. Hopefully one day you will come to visit our village. No more today. Convey my respect to your parents.

                                     Your loving friend


Nirufa Yasmin 

C/O – Musa Nabi Mondal

Atghara, Baduria, 24 Pgs (N) 

Pin – 743438

Model Activity Task || class 10 || English ||Part 9 (January) 2022 || Minhajuddin Mondal

Activity 1

Replace the underlined words with suitable phrasal verbs from the given list. Change the form of verbs if necessary. Write the answers in the given space. One extra phrasal verb is given in the list : 2 × 2 = 4

i) The manager rejected the proposal.

Answer : Turn Down

ii) She cannot tolerate bad habits.

Answer : Put up with

[List of Phrasal verbs : turn down, set out, put up with]

Activity 2

Join the following pairs of sentences :

a) Walk slowly. You will fall.

Answer : If you don't walk slowly you will fall.

b) Salma won the first prize. I know it.

Answer : I know that Salma won the first prize.

c) He cannot come. His brother cannot come.

Answer : Neither he nor his brother can come.

Activity 3

Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions :

a) The man sat __________ the chair.

Answer : In

b) The boy dived __________ the river.

Answer : Into

c) She is going __________ school.

Answer : To

Activity 4

Write a paragraph in about 100 words on the importance of reading newapaper. Use the following points :

Points : powerful medium - provides information - benefits of reading newspaper - demerits - conclusion

Answer : 

Importance of reading newspaper 

There are many benefits and importance of reading the newspaper. Newspapers became the first mass medium of circulating information and knowledge among people. It is one of the most beneficial habits. Newspapers provide us.  with relevant local and international news. It helps us to get to know the worlds current affairs. Also, newspapers help us in finding jobs. If we read newspaper regularly we can see our vocabulary and grammar increasing very well. But at the same time, in the current trend and fast moving getting a news the next day or in the evening is too late for a reader. There are faster connections like Television, Internet that can communicate news in seconds. Newspapers are permanent as because they have been able to earn the faith of the people with its validated information. Socially, the newspaper plays an important role in the upbringing and maintaining the morale and harmony of society to a larger extent.

Model Activity Task || Class 8 || English ||January 2022 || Minhajuddin Mondal

Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow :

     Now the boy whose name was Jon, had always obeyed his mother. So he went about his farm work with a heavy heart but did not again mention the sea.

     One day, he had been walking behind the plough. He all but ran over a tiny green turtle on a clod of dirt. He piched up and set it on his head where he knew it would be safe. When he was done with ploughing, Jon plucked the turtle from his head. To his utter surprise he found that it had turned into a tiny green fairy man that stood upon his plam and bowed.


A. Tick the correct answer :

(i) Jon was engaged in---

(a) domestic work

(b) motor work

(c) farm work

(ii) The tiny turtle was found on the---

(a) plough

(b) clod of dirt

(c) seaside

B. Write 'T' for true and 'F' for false statements in given boxes. Give supporting statements for your answers :

(i) Jon had never obeyed his mother.

Answer : F

S. S : Jon had always obeyed his mother.

(ii) The little turtle that Jon found was green in colour.

Answer : T

S. S : he all but ran over a tiny green turtle on a clod of dirt.

(iii) The little turtle converted into a beautiful mermaid.

Answer : F

S. S : He found that it had turned into a tiny green fairy man.


Match the following words with their antonyms :


Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns













Answer :


Countable Nouns

Uncountable Nouns














Write a paragraph in about 80 words on 'Protection of Wild Life'. You may use the following points :

Points : disturbance of ecological balance - man's greed and selfishness causing gradual extinction of wild life - deforestation, less space for accommodation of wild life - urgent need for protection of wild animals - conclusion.

Answer :


Wildlife plays an important role in human and animal life. It is our duty to save and protect it. On this earth, the wildlife is equally important like human beings. But unfortunately, the wildlife on this earth is always in danger as we, the human being are destroying it regularly only to fulfill our personal needs. Many animals are on the verge of extinction due to the irresponsibility of man. Trees are vanishing from the earth daily. As a result of that, the ecosystem and the balance of nature is deteriorating. In India, the growth of population has caused a lot of damage to the wildlife. Though we have wildlife conservation laws in the country it has not reduced the destruction of wildlife as expected. People need to feel the importance of wildlife and try to protect it from being destroyed.

Model Activity Task || class 9 || English ||January 2022 || Minhajuddin Mondal

Read the following passage and answer the questionsthat follow:-

    I remember another funny incident about Bhola Grandpa related by my father. It had been a rainy afternoon. Bhola Grandpa, wild with excitement, told my father and his friends that he had seen a gang of pirates. They were buying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the seashore by our village. At once father and his friends started looking for the hidden treasure. Evening passed on to night. Moonlight came in through the clouds. A pack of jackals were howling. It was past midnight. At this point of time, Bhola Grandpa confessed that there was no real treasure. It was all a dream which he had during his midday nap.

   Once Bhola Grandpa had a great adventure in the Sunderbans. In those days Royal Bengal tigers freely roamed the dense jungles of the Sunderbans. People took care to move about only in groups, particularly after sundown.

   One evening, Bhola Grandpa Grandpa was returning from the weekly market. Suddenly at a distance of about five yards behind him, he heard the growl of a Royal Bengal tiger. Bhola Grandpa turned and found the bright gaze of the tiger on his face.

   Bhola Grandpa instantly climbed up a nearby banyan tree. The tiger roared and circled the tree about a hundred times. Then it settled down under a bush without taking its eyes off him. With nightfall, the forest grew dark and silent. Bhola Grandpa could hear the tiger beating its tail on the dry leaves. Hours passed.

Activity 1

Write the correct answers from the given alternatives :

(i) Bhola Grandpa had seen a gang of pirates 

a) at the sea shore

b) in the forest

c) at the river bank

d) in his mid-day nap

(ii) After sunset people used to go out door in groups because of 

a) robbers

b) snakes

c) Royal Bengal Tigers

d) pirates

(iii) On seeing the tiger Bhola Grandpa climbed up the

a) neem tree

b) banyan tree

c) mango tree

d) banana tree

Activity 2

Answer the following questions :

a) What were the pirates doing when Bhola Grandpa saw them?

Answer : The pirates were burying a large box under one of the sand dunes on the sea shore by their village when Bhola Grandpa saw them.

b) Why did people move in groups. particularly after sundown?

Answer : In those days Royal Bengal Tigers freely roamed the dense forests of the Sundarbans. For that people moved in groups, particularly after sundown.

Activity 3

Change the mode of narration of the following sentences :

a) Raka said to her sister. "Will you go to the library tomorrow?"

Answer : Raka asked her sister if she (her sister) would go to the library the next day.

b) Mr. Roy says, "My nephew is very good at sports."

Answer : Mr. Roy says that his nephew is very good at sports.

c) My grandmother said to me, "May you live long."

Answer : My Grandmother wished me that I might live long.

Activity 4

Write a story (in about 100 words) using the following hints. Add a suitable title to the story.

Hints : art competition - partcipants include three artists - one draws a bunch of flowers, another some fruits, third draws a curtain - bees sit on the flowers - birds come to eat fruits - curtain deceives the judges - third artist wins the prize.

Answer :


  Once upon a time, three great artists lived in a city. They were all skilled artists. They held a competition to decide who was the best artist among them. There was a prize declared for the winners. The judge was also appointed for this purpose. The first artist painted a bunch of flowers. Second of them painted a fruit and third artist painted a picture of curtain. During observation, it was found that the flower was so natural that a bee sat on it for honey. Fruit was so natural that an ox tried to eat. The judge praised all these things. Then he went and saw the curtain. It was so bealed that he tried to move it to enter the room. Flower deceived the insect. Fruit deceived the beast but the curtain deceived the Judge. Thus the third artist won the prize. 

Moral: Intelligence is required even in art.