Sunday, October 31, 2021

Activity Task 2021 / ENGLISH Part 8 / Class – VIII / Minhajuddin Mondal


 *Minhajuddin Mondal* 


*Ideal English Institute* 


1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : 

One quiet afternoon, he lay fast asleep and fell to dreaming again. Unknown to him, the ship stood offshore from his old farm. In Jon’s dream the seasons turned rapidly and as each turned, so did Jon in his bed. Consequently, the cap on his head twisted round and about. It called up a squall from the clear sky that hit the ship without a warning. 

The wind had been whirling about the boat tearing the sails and snapping the spars. “Its’ his fault,” the sailors cried. They shouted in anger and fear and tried to rid the cap off his head. 

Well, they were unsuccessful, for it was a fairy cap. 

Answer the following questions : 2×4=8 

(i) What happened as Jon lay fast asleep? 

Ans: One quiet afternoon, while Jon laid fast asleep Unknown to him, the ship stood offshore from his old farm.

(ii) How did the squall arise suddenly? 

Ans: One quiet afternoon, while Jon was laying fast asleep, the cap on his head twisted round and about. It called up a squall form the clear sky and hit the ship without warning.

(iii) Describe the condition of the ship in the squall. 

Ans: The wind had been whirling about the boat tearing the sails and snapping the spars.

(iv) What did the sailors do to stop the squall?

Ans: The sailors shouted in anger and fear and tried to rid the cap off from Jon’s head.

2. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below : 

On 16th January, 1941, Sisir finished his dinner early and drove to Elgin Road around 8.30 p.m. He parked the Wanderer at the back of the house. 

Sisir and Subhas had maintained total secrecy about the plan of escape. None of the family members knew anything except Subhas’s niece, Ila and a male cousin, Dwijen. Subhas and Sisir waited until the rest of the Bose family had fallen asleep. 

Subhas had changed into his disguise as Muhammad Ziauddin. He was dressed in a long brown coat, baggy shalwars and a black fez. He wore gold wire-rimmed spectacles. 

A. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false statements in the given boxes. Write supporting statements for your answers : 2×3=6 

i. It was around 8.30 p.m. when Dwijen reached their house at Elgin Road. 

Supporting statement:_______________________________

Ans: F

Supporting statement: On 16th January 1941, Sisir finished his dinner early and drove to Elgin Road around 8.30 p.m.

ii. Sisir was the only person who knew about the plan of escape. 

Supporting statement:_______________________________ 

Ans: F

Supporting statement: None of the family members knew anything except Subhas’s niece lla and a male cousin, Dwijen.

iii. Muhammad Ziauddin was Subhas Chandra Bose in disguise. 

Supporting statement:_______________________________ 

Ans: T

Supporting statement: Subhas had changed into his disguise as Muhammad Ziauddin.

B. Answer the following questions : 2×3=6 

a) What is the Wanderer? 

Ans: Wanderer is the name of a personal car of Sisir.

b) Which persons of the Bose family knew about the great escape of Subhas? 

Ans: Subhas’s niece lla and a male cousin, Dwijen knew about the great escape of Subhas.

c) How did Subhas disguise himself ? 

Ans: Subhas was dressed in a long, brown coat, baggy shalwars, and a black fez and wore gold wire-rimmed spectacles.


3. Do as directed : 1×5=5 

(i) Every morning he has to go for a walk. (Underline the Infinitive used in the sentence) 

Ans: Every morning he has to go for a walk.

(ii) Nowadays supply of food grains is abundant. (Replace the underlined word with its antonym) 

Ans: Nowadays supply of food grains is scarce.

(iii) This is the place where Rabindranath was born. (Underline the Main Clause and circle the Subordinate Clause) 


Main Clause: This is the place 

Subordinate Clause: where Rabindranath was born.

(iv) The news that shocked me proved false. (Identify the type of clause used in the sentence) 

Ans: Adjective Clause

(v) By this time next year Diya will be attending her university classes. (Rewrite the following sentences using Future Perfect tense) 

Ans: By this time next year Diya will have attended her university classes.

4. Classify the Noun phrase, Adjective phrase and Adverb phrase of the following sentences and fill in the table given below : 1×6=6 

a) Those houses are very expensive. 

b) I will never do that, never in a million years. 

c) She is rather fond of singing. 

d) The spotted puppy is up for adoption. 

e) It was cold, bleak, biting weather. 

f) Meet me at the mall later in the evening. 


Noun PhraseAdjective PhraseAdverb Phrase
Those housesrather fond of singingnever in a million years
The spotted puppycold, bleak, biting weatherlater in the evening

5. Change into Indirect Speech : 1×3=3 

(i) My father said to me, “May God bless you.” 

Ans: My father prayed that God might bless me.

(ii) The police officer said, “Don’t go there.” 

Ans: The police officer ordered not to go there.

(iii) The Headmaster said to me, “Where do you live?” 

Ans: The Headmaster asked me where I lived.


6. Write a letter to your friend (in about 80 words), who stays far away, describing about a festival of West Bengal. You may use the following points : 8 

Hints: time when the festival took place – how long it lasted– number of people participated- description of the festival– your enjoyment. 



Dear friend Khushi,

How are you? I hope you and your family all are well. Today I am going to share with you about a great festival of West Bengal Kali Puja. This festival takes place in the Bengali month of Kartik. During this festival, the weather is very pleasant. The festival lasts for only two days. Thousands of people participate in this festival. All the pandals are decorated with different kinds of lightings. The pula of goddess Kali is held at midnight. In the morning the idol is abandoned. We enjoy these two days very much wearing new dresses, eating different kinds of food and visiting so many pandals. 

No more today. Please reply to this letter as soon as possible.

                                         Your loving friend


Khurshida Khatun  

C/O: Abdul Khalil Mondal 

Address: Vill+P.O – Bena,

P.S – Baduria,

District – North 24 Parganas,

Pin – 743401

7. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on the life of the famous painter and writer Abanindranath Tagore. You may use the following points : 8 

Birth: 7 August, 1871 at Jorasanko, Calcutta 

Parents: Gunendranath Tagore and Saudamini Devi 

Siblings: Gagenendranath Tagore and Sunayani Devi 

Education: Government College of Art and Craft, Sanskrit College, University of Calcutta 

Famous for: Drawing, painting and writing 

Notable work of art: Bharat Mata, The passing of Shah Jehan 

Important books: Khirer Putul, Raj Kahini, Buro Angla etc. 

Death: 5 December, 1951


Biography of Abanindranath Tagore

Abanindranath Tagore was one of the most famous artists of India. He was born on 7th August, 1871 at Jorasanko in Calcutta. His father was Gunendranath Tagore and his mother was Saudamini Devi. His siblings were Gagendranath Tagore and Sunayani Devi. Abanindranath studied in Sanskrit College under the University of Calcutta. After that, he attended the Government College of art and craft. He was famous for his drawings, painting, and writing. His notable works include the painting of “Bharatmata” and “The passing away of shah Jehan”. His famous literary wonks are ” Khirer Putul”, ‘Raj Kahini’, ‘Buro Angla’ etc. He passed away on 5th December 1951. Though he is no more, he is alive in the heart of every Indian. 


 *Minhajuddin Mondal* 


*Ideal English Institute* 


Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Model Activity Task // English (Part 7) // Class 8 // October 2021 //

Minhajuddin Mondal
Ideal English Institute

1. A,,, Complete the following sentences:

(i) The sea appears to be like a hungry dog.

(ii) The sea gnaws hour and hour.

(iii) Throughout the day the sea moans like a dog by  Licking his greasy paws.

1. B,,,Answer the following questions:

(i) With whom has the sea been compared?

Ans: The sea has been compared to a hungry dog.

b) What does the sca do all day ?

Ans: The sea rolls on the beach all day.

2. Do as directed:

(i) The coach said to the players, "Bravo! you have played well." (Change into Indirect speech)

Ans: The coach said to the players that they had played well.

(ii) Every moming he has to go for a walk. (Underline the Infinitive used in the sentence)

Ans: Every moming he has to go for a walk.

(iii) Nowadays supply of food grains is abundant. (Replace the underlined word with its antonym)

Ans: Nowadays supply of food grains is scarce.

(iv) This is the place where Rabindranath was born. (Underline the Main Clause and circle the Subordinate Clause)

Ans: Main Clause :This is the place

Subordinate Clause: where Rabindranath was born.
(v) The news that shocked me proved false. (Identify the type of clause used in the sentence)

Ans: Main clause : The news proved false

Noun clause : that shocked me

3. Write a paragraph in about 80 words on 'The usefulness of regular exercise'. You may use the following points:

Points: importance of physical cxcrcisc-various types of cxcrcisc-when it is donc-hcalth is wealth - conclusion


The Usefulness of Physical Exercise

Physical exercise is a vital means of making our physical fit and fine. It's just for good health. Health generally means a sound state of mind and body owning Joy of living. It's key to happiness. But good health is not achieved without regular exercise. Through practicing exercise our body gets more active than before. The organs become flexible In the age of toil and stress if we should practice 'exercise' we would have composure - a lot. It is beneficial for gaining concentration and accumulating self-energy. If the body is a temple, the exercises are worship we need to perform.

Minhajuddin Mondal
Ideal English Institute

Model Activity Task // English (Part 7) // Class 9 // October 2021 //

 ✍ Minhajuddin Mondal
 Ideal English Institute

       Activity 1

i) Monday mornings were never good for Tom. => T

Supporting Statement: "Tom always found Monday mornings to be miserable".

ii) Tom soon realised that he could not convince Aunt Polly of his stomach problem.  => T

Supporting Statement: "The symptoms soon grew feeble and wholly".

iii) Tom was groaning because his toc was paining.  => F

Supporting Statement: "Tom grcaned louder. He fancied that he began to feel pain in the toe".

Activity 2

Do as directed :

i) She will always remember the beautiful magic show.

ii) He left no stone unturned.

iii) I am very happy.

iv) Are flowers cheaper at Gariahat market?

Activity 3

The Headmaster
Jangalpur High School (H.S) 
Jangalpur, Baduria, North 24 PGS

        Sub: Football trial camp.

Respected Sir,
                         I beg to state that I am Ali Reja, a student of class-ix of your school. I have been selected for the Bengal, Under 17 football team. The football Coard Authority will arrange the camp at Baduria on 15th November. The trial camp will be continued from 15th November to November. 
        So, I am therefore, seeking your permission so that I can attend the camp.

Date: 26/10/2021        Yours Obediently
                                            Ali Reja

 ✍ Minhajuddin Mondal
 Ideal English Institute

Model Activity Task // English (Part 7) // Class 10 // October 2021 //

 ✍ Minhajuddin Mondal
📱 +917797243129
Ideal English Institute

Activity 1

Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:  (1x6=6)

i) The zoo is located at ______________ 

a) Agra  b) Ahmedabad

c) Allahabad  d) Alipore

ii) The chimpanzee attacked the man on ______________ 

a) Sunday  b) Monday
c) Tuesday  d)Wednesday

iii) The incident took place in the __________________ 

a) moming  b) evening

 c) afternoon  d) night

iv) The man was bitten on the _____________ 

 a) finger  b) toe

C) head  d) chest

V) Something appeared to be sitting on the chimpanzee's ____________ 

a) ears  b) eyes

 c) nose  d) lips

vi) The bars of the cage were made of

a) wood  b) iron

c) steel  d) brass

 Activity 2

Provide appropriate information to fill in the table : [1x4=4]

i) Name of the Chimpanzee : Babu

ii) Name of the zoo's director : Ashish Kumar Samantha

iii) Name of the member-secretary of the Bengal Zoo Authority : V.K. Yadav

iv) Number of stitches Mr. Samanta received : One

 Activity 3

Write a newspaper report in about 100 words on a Book Fair.

Use the following points :

Date, place, time duration - stalls - types of books - food court - public opinion


                    - By a staff reporter

 Kolkata, 15th October : The yearly 'Kolkata Book Fair' started yesterday in the Milan Mela Prangan near the Science City . The book fair will continue from 14th of October to 25th October of this month. Hundreds of book stalls were installed in an enclosed area. The stalls were nicely designed and decorated with different type of books for all classes of people. Thousands of visitors visited the fair. Many authors, artists and publishers were present there. There were some stalls of food like Egg-Roll, Momos and Jalebis etc. The local people were very happy to have that book fair and they expressed their joy by saying, "This book fair is a paradise for book lovers and we wait every year for the arrival of the fair."

 Minhajuddin Mondal
Ideal English Institute

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

N.A.S - 2021//Class- X//Answer sheet (English)//Minhajuddin Mondal

National Achievement Survey (N.A.S)
Exam - 2021 (Answer Sheet) 
Class - X
Sub- English
October Part

 *Minhajuddin Mondal* 
*Ideal English Institute* 

1->d,,,, 2->a,,,, 3->b,,, 4->c,,, 5->d

6->d,,,, 7->b,,, 8->a,,,, 9->c,, 10->d

11->b,, 12->c,, 13>a,, 14->b,, 15->b

16->a,, 17->a,, 18->c,, 19->c,, 20->a

21->d,, 22->b,, 23->c,, 24->b, 25->d

26->a,, 27->b,, 28->b,, 29->c,, 30->a

31->d,, 32->d,, 33->c,, 34->a,, 35->c

 *Minhajuddin Mondal* 
*Ideal English Institute* 