Wednesday, October 27, 2021

Model Activity Task // English (Part 7) // Class 10 // October 2021 //

 ✍ Minhajuddin Mondal
📱 +917797243129
Ideal English Institute

Activity 1

Choose the correct alternative to complete the following sentences:  (1x6=6)

i) The zoo is located at ______________ 

a) Agra  b) Ahmedabad

c) Allahabad  d) Alipore

ii) The chimpanzee attacked the man on ______________ 

a) Sunday  b) Monday
c) Tuesday  d)Wednesday

iii) The incident took place in the __________________ 

a) moming  b) evening

 c) afternoon  d) night

iv) The man was bitten on the _____________ 

 a) finger  b) toe

C) head  d) chest

V) Something appeared to be sitting on the chimpanzee's ____________ 

a) ears  b) eyes

 c) nose  d) lips

vi) The bars of the cage were made of

a) wood  b) iron

c) steel  d) brass

 Activity 2

Provide appropriate information to fill in the table : [1x4=4]

i) Name of the Chimpanzee : Babu

ii) Name of the zoo's director : Ashish Kumar Samantha

iii) Name of the member-secretary of the Bengal Zoo Authority : V.K. Yadav

iv) Number of stitches Mr. Samanta received : One

 Activity 3

Write a newspaper report in about 100 words on a Book Fair.

Use the following points :

Date, place, time duration - stalls - types of books - food court - public opinion


                    - By a staff reporter

 Kolkata, 15th October : The yearly 'Kolkata Book Fair' started yesterday in the Milan Mela Prangan near the Science City . The book fair will continue from 14th of October to 25th October of this month. Hundreds of book stalls were installed in an enclosed area. The stalls were nicely designed and decorated with different type of books for all classes of people. Thousands of visitors visited the fair. Many authors, artists and publishers were present there. There were some stalls of food like Egg-Roll, Momos and Jalebis etc. The local people were very happy to have that book fair and they expressed their joy by saying, "This book fair is a paradise for book lovers and we wait every year for the arrival of the fair."

 Minhajuddin Mondal
Ideal English Institute

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