Sunday, February 27, 2022

WB Madhyamik English Suggestion 2022 || Minhajuddin Mondal

Hello Everyone, Here is your Madhyamik English Suggestion 2022 download as per the madhyamik 2022 new syllabus. Wbbse 10th English suggestion as per New syllabus and question pattern.

Madhyamik English Suggestion 2022:

তোমরা সকলেই জানো তোমাদের পরীক্ষার সিলেবাস কিছুটা কমানো হয়েছে। তাই নীচে বিস্তারিত যে যে আধ্যায় Madhyamik English New syllabus থেকে প্রশ্ন আসবে তোমরা দেখে নিতে পারো।


Madhyamik English Syllabus 2022:

Lesson 1:Father’s Help
Lesson 2:Fable
Lesson 3: The Passing Away of Bapu
Lesson 4: My Own True Family
Lesson 5:  Our Runaway Kite
Writing Skill

SEEN : Father’s Help

Part- 01

Marks: 01

01) Swami thought a moment ago it was-

(a) Sunday  (b) Friday  (c) Saturday  (d) Tuesday

02) The headmaster is afraid of-

(a) Samuel  (b) Swami’s father  (c) Students  (d) Math

03) Father advised Swami to loaf about less on-

(a) Sunday  (b) Friday  (c) Saturday  (d) Tuesday

04) Swami knew his father could be-

(a) Normal  (b) Intimidated  (c) Genial  (d) Strict

05) Swami ought to have been in the school prayer hall at-

(a) 9.30 am  (b) 9.30 pm  (c) 8.30 am (d) 8.30 pm



Marks: 02


1) Swami was reluctant to go to school.

2) Swami could not be late to the headmaster’s room.

3) Samuel is afraid of the headmaster.

4) Swami must be in school at 9:00 am.

5) Swami said he was suffering from headache.



Marks: 02

01) What did Swami’s mother suggest?

02) Why did Swami change his tactics?

03) How was Swami’s father?

04)Who ought to have been in rayer hall?

05) What did Swami realize lying in bed?


Part- 02

Marks: 01

01) The letter was sent to-

(a) Samuel (b) Swami’s father (c) Peon (d) Headmaster

02) Personally Swami was a-

(a) Good man (b) Tall man (c) Handsome man (d) Bad man

03) Samual had a-

(a) Dark face (b) Fair face (c) Dull face (d) White face

04) The colour of Samuel’s coat was-

(a) black (b) white (c) brown (d) yellow

05) Swami had special-

(a) Hatred (b) To Swami love (c) Affection (d) Regard




Marks: 01

1)“All________ things and weather… together” –

(a) kind of (b) sorts of (c) sort of (d.) kinds of

2) What is wisely put–

(a)talents (b)money  (c)forest  (d)nut

3) It is not disgrace to the squirrel to–

(a)occupy his own place  (b)make preety track  (c)to be called as bun  (d)be insulted by the mountain

4) the word “disgrace” means–

(a)honour (b)irratate (c)cheerful (d)insult

5) A squirrel track is made by—

(a)Nature  (b)Mountain  (c)Squirrel itself  (d)supervisions



Marks: 02


1) The mountain called the squirrel “Little Bun”.

2) The squirrel can crack a nut.

3) The squirrel is sprier than the mountain.

4) The mountain can carry Forests on its back.

5) The mountain can carry Forests on its back.



Marks: 02

1) what the Bun Repiled?

2) what does not squirrel deny?

3) What is not a disgrace to the squirrel?

4) Who had a quarrel with the squirrel?

5) what does the squireel think about size of mountain?

6) Who is Bun there?

7) Who was addressed as ” Little Prig”? or, What did the mountain call the squirrel?

8) who had a qurrel with whom? or, Between whom did the quarrel take place?

9) what is Fable?

10) “And not half so spry” — Who is not half so spry?



The Passing Away of Bapu

Marks: 01

1) The narrotor was having—

a) tea

b) cold

c) coffe

d) rice


2) people could not spealk in the beginning as they were—

a) weak

b) stunned

c) worried

d) stunned


3) The word ” clamoured” means—

a) glammer

b) calmed

c) demanded loudly

d) loudly

4) The experience of walking in Gandhiji’s funeral procession was

a) agonising

c) worrying

b) Satisfying

d) Exciting


5) Thousands silently watched the

a) procession

b) Crowd

c) The Frock

d) Bapu’s body


Marks: 02

1) When was Gandhiji shot?

2)What was the narrator doing when she was informed that Gandhiji was shot?

3) How did the narrator get into the car?

4)  Gandhiji had been shot on his_______________.

10) How did the train reach Allahabad?

11) How Bapu would live?

12) Why did not people weep anymore?

13) The time stood______________________.

14) Where did Gandhiji breath his last?

15) Why and how did people Jostle?

16) The people Jostled one another ________________.

17) How the compartment was decorated?




1)  The narrator’s values were so strong.

2) Excited people gathered the platform.

3)It was not possible to move in thick crowd.

4) it was an excitable walk.

5) Flowers decorated the compartment.

6) Back in Delhi the narrator felt at river.



My Own True Family

Marks: 01

1) The poet crept in a–

a) wood

b)oak wood

c) segun wood

d) None of the above


2) As the woman began to cakle the poet began to—

a) snif

b) snore

c) shout

d) quake


3) She was dressed in—

a) white sari

b) dirty dress

c)evening dress

d) ragged clothes


4)  From thew oak-wood to poet want back to—

a) human world

b) animated world

c) animal world

d) comapny of ild creature


5) The poet’s heart was transformed info—

a) a hero

b) a serious

c) a tree

d) a deer


6) He was tied to a —

a) stake

b) stock

c) stick

d) timber


7) The poet was alterd by —

a) his conscience

b) dream beneath the tree

c) self learning

d) education


8) The world knobbly means—

a) unclear

b) very weak

c) knock

d) unsteady



Marks: 02

  1. The poet was tied to an oak-tree.
  2. If the poet fails to keep his promise them the oak-tree will kill him.
  3. The old woman was standing steadily.
  4. The poet walked like a tree.


Marks: 02

1)  When was the poet altered?

2) What is the meaning of the expression “you were born but never grew”?

3) What was the old woman?

4) What did the Poet have to promise?

5) Where did the poet go?

6) Why did the poet begin to quake?

7) ” I came twice awake?”—when did the poet come twice awake.

8)What would happen if he fails to keep his promise?

9) What did the poet feel when he came out oak-wood?


Our Runaway Kite

Marks: 01

1) When they asked father about their relative father looked—

a) Sad

b) sorrowful

c) happy

d) irritated


2) They Live on–

a) The big full moon island

b) Forest

c) the big Half Moon

d) Desert


3) When they returned to the island people—

a) praised

b) suggested

c) gifted

d) pitied


4) To have relatives means to be—

a) tensed

b) worried

c) gay

d) Jolly


5) Their kite had sailed away over to the–

a) Island

b) Dearland

c) mainland

d) Land


6) They had a kite  covered with—

a) ugly red paper

b) green paper

c) Lovely white paper

d) Lovely red paper


7) It is always lovely on the Big Half Moon in—


b) Spring

c) Winter

d) Autumn


8) The kite flew up like a—-

a) Stir

b) Bird

c) Seagull

d) Strong Wind


9) Aunt Esther’s mother was—


b) Best

c) Dull



10) Father Left home after quarrelling with his–

a) Mother

b) brother

c) Sister

d) Son


11) Father received a letter after—-

a) a year

b) a week

c) a month

d) a day


12) Their Kite had  sailed to ___________. (mainland)

13) Thet ___________(Crazy,Kites) about_______________.

14) They wanted to sent the kite up_________________.



Marks: 02

1) Father agreed that it was all his fault that they had no relatives.

2) Father got exited when he was asked about the relatives.

3) People always felt pity when they returned.

4) Everyone on the Mainland had relatives.

5) In spring the harbour is frozen over.

6) Their kite had sailed up like a bird.

7) In summer it always not lovely on the Big half  Moon.

8) They had a kite in massive size.

9) One day there was a great  wind for kite flying.

Marks: 02

1) How  were Aunt Esther turn pale?

2) What is considered the best part to narrator?

3) How did father react after he finished reading in Letter?

4) With whom had father had quarrelled?

5) Why did father leave home?

6) What they played with kite?

7) How did they mend their kite?

8) How the kite got a hole?

9) ” This used to puzzle” — What puzzled claude and the narrator?

10) Who is the keeper of the lighthouse?

11) Why did people pity them?



There is no suggestion.


Writing Skill

Madhyamik English Paragraph Witing Suggestion 

  • Your Favourite Teachers
  • A Flim You Have Recently Watch
  • COVID-19
  • Mobiles Advantages and Disadvantages
  • A memorable day in Your Life.
  • Habit of Reading Books.
  • Usefulness of Morning Walk / Early Rising
  • A Book You Have Recently Read

Madhyamik Letters writings Suggestion

1) Write a letter (within 100 words) to your friend describing a cultural programme you have recently attended. Your letter should include the following points.

2) Write a letter to the Inspector- in- Charge of your local police station complaining about the loss of your mobile phone. Give the details of the phone and the way in which it was lost.

3) Write a letter to your cousin who stays abroad describing a family get -together recently held in your house. You may use the following points.

4) Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper creating awareness on sanitization of your locality in the course outbreak of Corona Virus in India, how it can prevent the spread of transmission of novel corona virus in larger communities.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Macbeth – Questions and Answers || Minhajuddin Mondal

Ans. After ascending the throne of Scotland, Macbeth did not rest in peace as the weird sisters prophesied that the children of Banquo would be the kings of Scotland. So Macbeth wanted to murder Banquo.

For the purpose of murder, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth arranged a banquet. They invited all the thanes along with Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth hired some assassins and placed them on their way. The assassins pounced on them and killed Banquo but Fleance manage to flee from there.

2)Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king? What did Macbeth say to oppose her? [2+3 = 5] [H.S. – 2017]

Ans. Lady Macbeth was an extremely ambitious woman. When she came to know the partial accomplishment of the predictions, she provoked her husband to murder King Duncan as it was absolutely necessary for him to be the king of Scotland. 

Macbeth opposed her wife showing strong reasons against the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth was a subject and a close relative to King Duncan. Now Duncan was Macbeth’s host. His only duty is to protect him not to murder him. King Duncan was just and benevolent. He was loved by all. If he was killed, his faithful subjects would try to avenge his death. Macbeth argued that he had enjoyed a high position throughout Scotland. He did not intend to stain his honour and reputation.

3)Bring out the significance of the opening scene of Macbeth. [5] [H.S. – 2017, 2018]

Ans. The opening scene of the play ‘Macbeth’ is very significant as it sets the tone of the play and controls the central theme of the play. When Macbeth and Banquo were returning from the battlefield, they encountered bad weather. There were thunder and lightning which create an uncanny atmosphere of doubt and suspicion. They were stopped by three strange figures. They were dancing and singing, ‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’. It shows that they were the worshippers of ‘foul’. By their predictions, they create confusion and chaos in the life of Macbeth. At last, to chase his inordinate ambition, Macbeth faces his doom.

4)Give a brief account of the ‘Banquet Scene’ in ‘Macbeth’. [5] [H.S. – 2016]

Ans. To negate the predictions of the witches, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth planned a banquet. In the banquet, they invited all the chief thanes. They played the role of a perfect host with gentle and graceful manners. They pleased everyone in the banquet and Macbeth regretted the absence of his dearest friend Banquo. Though in the way Macbeth appointed some hired assassins who killed Banquo.

In the banquet hall, Macbeth saw the ghost of Banquo occupying his reserved seat but others could see nothing. At this horrible sight, Macbeth lost his mental balance and behaved strangely. His eyes were fixed upon the ghost. Lady Macbeth controlled the situation and dismissed the guests excusing Macbeth’s illness.

I thing the phantasm was a product of Macbeth’s sense of guilty and a fear of disclosing the dreadful secret.

5)What was the mystery behind the moving of Birnam woods? [5] [H.S. – 2015]

Ans. The strange sight of the moving of Birnam woods was a part of Malcolm’s strategy. Actually,  The woods was not moving. When the soldiers were advancing towards the castle of Macbeth, Malcolm instructed them to cut down a bough and bear it before him to conceal the actual number of soldiers. The marching soldiers with boughs in their hands appeared from the distance that the woods was moving. Thus the prediction of witches seemed to resemble and Macbeth lost his confidence.

6)What did each of the three withes predict to Macbeth when he first met them? What did they say to Banquo? [2+3 = 5] [H.S. – 2014]

Ans. When Macbeth and Banquo were returning from the battlefield victoriously, they were stopped by three strange figures in a desolate heath. The first witch saluted Macbeth with the title of ‘thane of Glamis’. The second witch addressed him as the ‘thane of Cawdor’. The third witch predicted that Macbeth will be the king of Scotland.

Banquo was curious to know about himself. Then the witches turned towards Banquo and told him that he would never reign Scotland as the king but his successors would be the kings.

Q. Describe the first meeting of Macbeth with the witches?

Ans:-The witches met Macbeth for the first time in the blasted heath when Macbeth and Banquo were coming back after crushing a rebellion led by the Thane of Cawdor and assisted by the King of Norway. The first witch hailed Macbeth as the Thane of Glamis. The second witch called him the Thane of Cawdor and the third witch hailed him as the future King. Then turning to Banquo, the witches said that Banquo would be lesser than Macbeth yet greater, not so happy yet much happier, and he would be the father of future kings. Macbeth was amazed and puzzled at the prophecies and wondered how he could be the king when Duncan was living and having two sons to succeed him to the throne.

Q. "Macbeth is more guided by his wife and less by his ambition " –Do you support this statement? Give reasons.
Ans:-Though this is the general perception that Macbeth is more guided by his wife and less by his ambition, we think this statement is far away from the truth . If Macbeth did not have strong ambition within, his wife could not have instigated him to commit the murder of Duncan. In fact, Macbeth was planning so from the moment he was hailed by the witches as the King of Scotland. Later in the play Macbeth kills Banquo, Macduff’s family and other people without any instigation from Lady Macbeth. He is remorseless and remains self assured of his indestructibility. Therefore, though Lady Macbeth was responsible, it was Macbeth’s ambition which guided him throughout.

Q.What role does the witches play in “Macbeth”?
Ans:-The witches play a very important role in “Macbeth”. Had they not been there, perhaps, Macbeth’s ambition of becoming the king would have remained suppressed in his heart. The witches act as a catalyst and increase Macbeth’s desire. It is because of the witches that Macbeth decides so early to plunge into criminality and realize his ambitions. The witches first make Macbeth hope, then give him the confidence only to lead him slowly and steadily towards his tragedy. But the witches cannot be held absolutely responsible for Macbeth’s fall. Unlike Banquo, Macbeth could not show the strength of character and falls prey to the dark desires of his mind.

Q. Why did Macbeth want to murder Banquo and his son? How was Banquo murdered?
Ans :- Macbeth wanted to murder Banquo because after ascending the throne of Scotland, Macbeth did not rest in peace. The weird sisters prophesied that the children of Banquo would be the kings of Scotland. So he decided to do it.
              Macbeth and Lady Macbeth arranged a banquet for the purpose of murdering Banquo and Fleance. They invited all the thanes along with Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth hired some assassins and placed them on their way. The assassins pounced on them and killed Banquo but Fleance managed to flee from there.

Q.Describe in detail Macbeth’s experience when he goes to kill Duncan?
Ans:-When Macbeth goes to kill Duncan he experiences some of the most miserable moments of his life. He hallucinates and sees an air drawn dagger which is bloody. When he tries to get hold of the dagger, it vanishes into the air. Then as he murders Duncan, one of the grooms cry out “murder” and both the grooms wake up. They pray together and say “amen”. Macbeth also tries to say “amen”, but words would not come out from him. Then Macbeth hears( because of his heat oppressed brain) someone saying that Macbeth has murdered sleep and as a result Macbeth shall sleep no more. Facing all this nightmares, Macbeth returns to his wife.

Q. Why did Lady Macbeth plot to kill the king? What did Macbeth say to oppose her?
Ans :- Lady Macbeth was an extremely ambitious woman. When she came to know the partial accomplishment of the predictions, she provoked her husband to murder King Duncan as it was absolutely necessary for him to be the king of Scotland. 
           Macbeth opposed her wife showing strong reasons against the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth was a subject and a close relative to King Duncan. Now Duncan was Macbeth’s host. His only duty is to protect him not to murder him. King Duncan was just and benevolent. He was loved by all. If he was killed, his faithful subjects would try to avenge his death. Macbeth argued that he had enjoyed a high position throughout Scotland. He did not intend to stain his honour and reputation.

Q.Why did Macbeth plan to murder Banquo?
Ans:-Macbeth murdered Banquo because Macbeth knew that only Banquo was witness to what the witches said and had strong reasons to suspect and investigate Macbeth’s hand in the murder of Duncan. Moreover, Macbeth was also jealous of Banquo as the witches had foretold that many of Banquo’s successors would be kings. So to eliminate that chance, Macbeth wanted to kill Banquo and his son Fleance. Macbeth invited Banquo to a banquet and hired three murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance on their way to the Banquet. The murderers attacked them but could manage to kill only Banquo while Fleance escaped.

Q.What role did Lady Macbeth play in the murder of Duncan?
Ans:-Lady Macbeth played a very important role in the murder of Duncan. Macbeth had his ambitions but was not bold enough to achieve it by murdering Duncan. Lady Macbeth instigated him and successfully put pressure on him to kill the king. She did it by just using the valour off her tongue. Though she herself failed to stab Duncan as the sleeping old king resembled her dead father, she convinced Macbeth that he should go and do the job instead. They could then easily fix the blame on the grooms. So the planning of the murder and the way it was to be executed had come out from the mind of Lady Macbeth though Macbeth himself remains responsible for his crime.

Q.Narrate the fight between Macbeth and Macduff.
Ans:-Macbeth and Macduff fights each other towards the end of the play when the army of Malcolm, of which Macduff is a part, invades Scotland to dethrone and punish Macbeth. In the battlefield, Macbeth tries to avoid Macduff because of the Apparition’s warning where he was told to be “beware of Macduff”. But Macduff had many scores to settle with him and attacked him. Replying to Macbeth’s assertion, Macduff informs him that he was not of woman born and was from his mother’s womb untimely ripped off. Macbeth then realizes that his end was near but he carries on his fight with Macduff and gets killed in the battlefield in Macduff’s hands.

Q.Narrate the banquet scene in Macbeth. 
Ans:-The Banquet Scene is an important part of the play “Macbeth”. The banquet is hosted by Macbeth to celebrate his accession to the throne. People attending the banquet was supposed to have allegiance for Macbeth. In the meantime Macbeth gets Banquo killed by hired murderers. In the banquet Macbeth complains about the absence of Banquo and questions his friendship. Suddenly Macbeth sees the blood smeared ghost of Banquo starts talking to him. He even challenges the ghost to fight with him. Nobody else sees the ghost, though. Fearing that Macbeth would reveal his crime in front of others, Lady Macbeth immediately orders dispersal of the crowd citing Macbeth’s illness.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

কবিতা : ফেয়ারওয়েল //✍ মিনহাজউদ্দিন মন্ডল

    কবিতা : \\ ফেয়ারওয়েল //
✍ মিনহাজউদ্দিন মন্ডল
আজ ফেয়ারওয়েল। 
যাওয়ার পালা।
কিন্তু, যাওয়া মানে কি মুছে যাওয়া?
এই যে, এতটা দিন ধরে
 "পৃথিবীর পথে পথে পথ হাঁটিতেছি"........
 তোমাদের সাথে ভালবাসায়, কামনায়,
অভিযোগ,  অভিনয়,  ঘৃণা বা হিংসায়------
আমি চলে গেলে সব মনেমনে 
সেগুলো কি মানেহীন হয়ে যাবে?
না কি, হাওয়া, আগুন,  মেঘ, বৃষ্টির মত
সেগুলোও রয়ে যাবে স্মৃতির বাগানে---!
ফেয়ারওয়েল  এসে গেলে
সাধারণতঃ এসবই মানুষদের,  মানুষের মনে হয়।
আমার হয় না।
আমার হচ্ছে না।
গনগনে আগুনের তুষারহীম আদরছোঁয়া মেখে
আমি এক নতুন পৃথিবীর স্বপ্ন দেখছি,
সেই স্বপ্নে আমি এক নতজানু শিশু
বাবরের মত প্রার্থনায় লীন,
তোমাদের জন্য
এক সুস্থ, মুক্ত,স্বচ্ছ, 
সুন্দর পৃথিবীর জন্য।
প্লিজ, আমাকে ফেয়ারওয়েল বোলো না।
বলো----" ওয়েলফেয়ার "----!
সারাজীবন এটার স্বপ্নই তো
আমি দেখেছি, তুমি দেখো,তোমরা দেখো।
আয়নার সামনে দাঁড়িয়ে 
প্রশ্ন কর নিজেকে------" সত্যি নয়"?
ফেয়ারওয়েল  কখনও 
কবরের শেষ মাটি হতে পারে? 
কী জানি! আমি বিশ্বাস করি না।।
প্রকাশকালঃ-- ২০ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২২ (রবিবার)